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Therapy & Coaching Resources

Have Questions? Read on for More Coaching and Therapy FAQs, Resources, and Information

If you’re thinking about working with our Healthy. Viant. Life. team, you might have some questions we can answer. So we put together this list of frequently asked questions (FAQ), recommended resources, and helpful information as another guide post on your journey.


This page provides answers to questions like “What results can I expect?” and “What apps or books do you recommend I use?” But if you have more questions you cannot find on our FAQ page or would like to hear from us directly, please reach out — we’re here to help.


We put together a list of our favorite books and apps to assist you on your journey. Simply click the image below to learn more, read reviews, and purchase or download.


If you feel like you have all the supplemental materials you need — or you can’t find your answer here — reach out to us directly to book your consultation. We’ll talk about what you’re going through, what you need help with, and the best way to make that happen.

  • Fertility
    Lifestyle factors, such as alcohol use and poor diet are primary factors impacting fertility. Incorporating a healthy diet and fitness plan into your daily routine to achieve and maintain a healthy weight is vital in improving your chances of a successful pregnancy. By analyzing the flow of O2 and CO2 through your body, PNOÄ’ tracks how fast your metabolism is, how efficiently you burn fat and provides you with a personalized nutrition & fitness plan that works for your metabolism.
  • Athletic Performance
    Performance in every sport depends on how well you utilize O2 and clear CO2. Your lungs, heart, and cells are the critical system's flow of O2 and CO2 through your body. Our PNOÄ’ Test pinpoints which system poses the limiting factor in your sport and gets you the most personalized program to overcome it.
  • Disease Prevention
    The flow of O2 and CO2 involves all systems affected by heart, lung, and metabolic disease. Our PNOÄ’ Test scans these systems with clinical-grade accuracy and identifies which one(s) may be at risk of disease.
  • Weight Loss
    A slow metabolism and low fat-burning ability are what prevent most from losing weight and keeping it off. By analyzing the flow of O2 and CO2 through your body, PNOÄ’ tracks how fast your metabolism is, how efficiently you burn fat and provides you a personalized plan that works for your metabolism.
  • Improve Cognitive Function
    Breath is the only biological function affecting your brain that you can control. Incorrect breathing, AKA hyperventilation, reduces O2 delivery to your brain and thus your ability to think at your maximum potential. Our PNOÄ’ Test tracks how effective your breathing is and provides the guidance you need to improve it.

Our Recommended Books

Unsung Lullabies: Understanding and Coping with Infertility



The desire for a child is unlike any other for those who are infertile. Only the complexity of the emotional maze they must negotiate rivals the depth of their longing.


Drs. Janet Jaffe, Martha Diamond, and David Diamond, reproductive psychology experts who have all personally struggled with infertility, provide couples with the knowledge and resources to:


Decrease their feelings of powerlessness and loneliness, learn about their partners' coping mechanisms to dispel unjustified expectations, and pay attention to their "unsung lullabies," or aspirations they have about starting a family, so they can mourn the losses of infertility and move on.


Unsung Lullabies is a vital companion for anyone dealing with infertility since it is innovative, intelligent, and sympathetic.





5535 Memorial Drive

Ste. F, #211

Houston, TX 77007

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Struggling to communicate with your partner about the pregnancy process? Not sure how to start the conversation?


Our ebook of Conversation Starters can help! Sign up for our email list and you’ll get:


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